CC Update

Last Updated Feb 28


Wednesday, March 5:  Student-Led Conferences will be held between 2:10 pm and 5:50 pm. There will be early dismissal at 2:00 pm.

Instructions for booking your conference time were emailed Tuesday, February 25.

Thursday, March 6: There will be early dismissal at 2:00 pm for Assessment and Evaluation. Term 2 Reports will be issued on Wednesday, March 12.

Hip Hop: Thanks to the PAC, we have Hip Hop lessons that will be happening during the week of March 3 -7 th for all students. Parents are invited to join us in the gym for a final performance on Friday, March 7th 1:00pm for Primary Students & 1:45pm for Intermediate Students.

Parking at Cougar Canyon – Thank you to those of you who have been vigilant to follow the signage on school property re: parking.  Please remember that only authorized vehicles are allowed in the drive thru from 8:30-9:15am and 2:30-3:15pm and the staff parking lot is for staff only.  Thank you!

Needed: Noon Hour Supervisor:  If you or someone you know is interested in being an on-call/casual noon-hour supervisor at Cougar Canyon, we would really appreciate you emailing the school ( Even if your availability isn’t every day, we do often need people replaced for a day at a time, so anything could be helpful!

Kindergarten Registration begins on February 10th ONLINE.  You can come in-person on Feb 19th & 20th from 9:30-12pm if you’re having trouble with the online registration process.  Please encourage anyone you know to register their K aged child asap.  Thank you!


    • Please be reminded that students are not permitted to use cellphones or other personal digital devices at school. For more information, please visit: Elementary school restrictions. If you have any questions, please contact the school.
    • Please remember to pay your Emergency Preparedness Fee ONLINE in Parent Connect – scroll down for instructions :-).
    • Early Pickup – NEW: If you must pickup your child(ren) during the school day, we need you to come inside and sign your child(ren) out.  This is to make sure students are safe at all times.  Please allow for a little extra time if you’re picking your child up early and it’s best if you let the teacher know ahead of time so that they can be aware (not out on a walk/outide, etc).  Thank you!
    • Drop Off/Pickup Drive-Thru for AUTHORIZED VEHICLES ONLY.  We encourage students and families to walk to school whenever possible.  If you must drive your child to school, please plan lots of extra time and note that the drive-thru in front of the school is CLOSED to parents & caregivers unless you have a parking pass that has been given to you by the principal.  These passes are only given out on an individual basis for a very few students with disabilities that impede safe travel to a vehicle on the road.  Please respect this even on rainy days 🙂
    • Dress for the weather – students at Cougar Canyon go outside a minimum of two times per day, every day, in all weather.  Please make sure your child arrives to school prepared for the day.  Each child should also have a change of clothes in case of an
    • Absences – if your child(ren) will be absent for any reason, please call the office ahead of time to let us know.  604-591-8676.  Regular and timely attendance is very important.  If students are arriving late, it can be quite disruptive to the class and your child’s learning.  Thank you for all your efforts to get your children to school on time!  We know it’s hard!  If your child is ill and can not keep their germs to themselves, please do not send your child to school.
    • Personal Devices in Schools Update – You may have noticed in the media that there are new provincial regulations regarding use of personal devices in schools (including cell phones/apple watches, digital devices, etc).  Please see the following two attachments to learn about how this will be implemented at Cougar Canyon.  Thank you!  IMPORTANT LINKS: DS-Letter-home-Personal-Digital-Devices-June-20-2024          PDDs-in-Elementary-Schools-FInal
    • No Wheels on school Grounds:  Cougar Canyon school grounds is a wheel free zone.  Please make sure your child(ren) are walking their bikes/scooters while on school grounds.  This is for the safety of all.  Also, please do not send your child to school with shoes that have wheels (wheelies).  Electric scooters are never allowed on school grounds.  Thanks!
    • Emergency Preparedness Fee. As previously communicated to families in the spring (view the letter here: ), the district is introducing a new annual Emergency Preparedness Fee of $10 per student. This is to cover the maintenance and replenishment of emergency provisions, including food, water and first aid items, to help care for students in case of a large-scale incident such as an earthquake. YOU CAN PAY NOW ONLINE HERE:

    • Lunch Drop off:  On occasion, if you do need to drop a lunch off, please place it in the rolling bin out front of the school – we will bring it in each day before lunch time and your child can come pick up their lunch at the office.  Thank you!

    • Needed: Noon Hour Supervisors & Crossing Guard:  If you or someone you know is interested in being an on-call/casual noon-hour supervisor or Crossing Guard at Cougar Canyon, we would really appreciate you emailing the school ( Even if your availability isn’t every day, we do often need people replaced for a day at a time, so anything could be helpful!

    • Parent Connect:  Please make sure you have logged into PARENT CONNECT to authorize your child to attend walking fieldtrips and other forms such as google classroom (as needed).

Community & District Information/Opportunities:

  • Keeping Kids Safe Online and In School:  We welcome the BC Government’s announcement aimed at keeping kids and young adults safe from online threats, restrict the use of cellphones in schools and hold social media companies accountable.
    The Delta School District already has an administrative procedure in place to cover the use of Personal Communication Devices (Admin Procedure 145) that provides guidance for schools and educators. In the coming months, the district expects to receive more detailed guidelines from the government regarding the restriction of students’ cellphone use in schools. Once that information is received, the district will look at making any necessary changes for implementation at the start of the new school year in September.
  • Delta School District Winter Weather Procedures:

Delta School District Vision 2030

Become a Foster Family – Click here for more information



PAC Meetings this year will be held in-person in the school library from 6:30-7:30pm.  All parents are members of the PAC (Parent Advisory Council).  Please don’t hesitate to reach out the the Executive Committee if you have any questions, ideas for fundraising or events!

Upcoming PAC Meeting Dates (all in Library from 6:30-7:30):

  • November 7th, 2024
  • January 16th 2025
  • April 10, 2025
  • June 5, 2025

Contact the PAC: